Camus Cognac、William Barthman Jeweler
Elite Lifestyle Magazine 聯袂主辦

Text by Xiaofei Wang
Photography by Banny Zhang

9月5日,《時尚精英》雜誌攜手法國古老家族干邑品牌Camus Cognac和華爾街最古老的珠寶店 William Barthman Jeweler 一起慶祝中秋佳節! 賓客們有初次品嘗Camus Cognac的,也有該品牌的收藏者,大家的共識是—— Camus口感獨特醇厚,而且價錢也不昂貴,自用、待客兩相宜。很多客人對Rolex手錶也表示了濃厚興趣。來賓Amy Shih贏得幸運抽獎,獲得一瓶 Camus XO。

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Elite Lifestyle Magazine, working with Camus Cognac and William Barthman Jeweler, hosted a Moon Festival celebration event.

Camus Cognac的品牌大使 Laurie Arrive 介紹,Camus由家族世代經營,擁有157年的歷史,是全球最大的私人干邑酒莊,並向大家解釋如何品賞。William Barthman經理Caitlin Hausser說,William Barthman自1884年成立於曼哈頓金融區,至今已經有100多年歷史,最近喬遷新址,與紐約證劵交易所比鄰,歡迎舊雨新知常常光臨。


Photos of event
Christina Chang, Mario Young, Nelson Wei;Calvin Xu and Brad Li
Flavia Lin and Nathan Aycock;Michael Fong and Benjamin Chui
Gloria Zhang and Steve Andrzejewski;Wen Yi Xing and Anna Yao
(From left to right, then from top to bottom)