English text by Irene Luo
Chinese text by Astrid Wang
Photography by THANN

Detoxifying Clay Mask ($42) – A nutrient-rich mask that cleans pores while also nourishing and soothing the skin.Rice Extract Moisturizing Cream ($45) – A nourishing, non-greasy cream that rejuvenates skin cells, reduces wrinkles and pores, and relieves inflammation.
Oatmeal Face Scrub ($42) – A gentle exfoliator that removes dead cells and impurities, leaving skin looking soft and bright.
Jasmine Blossom Infinite Hand Cream ($26) – A moisturizing cream that keeps hands soft and nourished for up to 24 hours.
Jasmine Blossom Rice Extract Body Milk Lotion ($38) – A lush and creamy moisturizer, filled with nutrients derived from botanical extracts, that rejuvenates and protects the skin.
Jasmine Blossom Shower Cream ($30) – A shower cream that thoroughly cleanses while also moisturizing your body.
鑒於現代人生活忙碌、精神壓力大,庭潤致力於研發頂級的純天然護膚品,為肌膚打造最親和、無負擔的保養體驗,從而讓人們更加愜意、健康地護膚養顏。或許正因為如此,庭潤的洗浴產品深受國際眾多五星級酒店、豪華度假村及私人會所的青睞,如知名的萬豪酒店(Marriott )便選用了其Aromatic Wood系列產品。

Oil-free Facial Sunscreen SPF 30 PA+++ – A non-greasy sunscreen that protects skin from UVA and UVB rays and prevents premature aging and wrinkles.
Age Inversion Face Cream ($55) – A cream that smooths lines and wrinkles for a radically more youthful look.
Shiso Facial Serum ($89) – A powerful serum that helps promote skin elasticity and enhances skin radiance.
Shiso Advance Protective Hair Serum ($24) – A weightless serum that repairs and protects hair from damage by heat or chemicals in hair products.
Shiso Hair Mask ($30) – A mask that repairs, strengthens, and protects hair from roots to tips and leaves hair shiny and bouncy.
Nano Shiso Body Butter ($55) – A moisturizer that deeply nourishes the skin, while protecting it from harmful pollutants, heat, and UV rays.
經典明星——純米系列Rice Collection
庭潤研發團隊從古人智慧中發現了稻穗的祕密, 嚴選泰國最高等級的「茉莉香米」,通過獨家美容科學技術,將稻穗中最具營養價值的米糠萃取成植物油。這種植物油富含維生素E,高出等量橄欖油47倍,是庭潤保養品中最經典的成分之一。
該系列最新推出的「純米幹細胞精華保溼面霜」(RegenistemTM Rice Extract),採用最新的生物技術,從喜馬拉雅紅米(Himalayan Red Rice)中萃取幹細胞精華,抗氧化含量為米界之最,有助膠原蛋白增長,修復肌膚並收斂毛孔。
熱門新星——紫蘇系列Shiso Collection
「紫蘇系列」(Shiso Collection)亦含多款深受大眾喜愛的熱門商品。紫蘇葉可以在極度乾燥的氣候環境下生存,內含豐富的Omega-3脂肪酸以及各種維生素,古時多運用於醫療用品。
庭潤善用大自然最原始的饋贈,秉持著與環境和諧共存的理念,帶給人們最純粹、溫潤的肌膚呵護。誠如品牌創辦人東尼.速巴川納特(Tony Suppattranont)所言:「親近自然,它將永遠不會辜負你的期盼!」
體驗庭潤自然療法之美。更多详情请登陆 www.thann.us。