Chinese text by Ada Tian
Photography by Michael Nicholson, Robert Frith, and Jack Lovel

這座位在澳大利亞的混凝土住宅由尼爾·考尼(Neil Cownie)建築事務所設計。起伏的混凝土牆與被木材包覆的室內空間同無處不在的綠色空間結合,強調了大自然的美感與居住環境的美學。這座將建築和景觀結合的建築,滿足了客戶的需求和願望,同時也是社區規畫精神的延伸。

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The owners wanted a mostly single-storied home with a modest facade, instead of a typical mansion.

羅斯康芒住宅(Roscommon House)正在與它的過去、現在和未來對話:它反映了「花園郊區」的城市規畫理性,現代主義建築特點及建築的獨特屬性。它是一個與社區氣質對話,具有強烈「歸屬感」的新住宅。


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Through the spatial arrangement of courtyards, the building incorporates the history of the garden suburb into the house.

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The curved forms of the roofs take inspiration from the local iconic South City Beach kiosk. Vibrant fabrics for the furniture, along with pops of color on the walls, give the home a playful touch.

通過庭院的空間布局,以及將粗獷、堅固風格的室外混凝土材質引入室內的方式,模糊了室內外居住空間的界限。室內局部採用了帶有凹凸紋理的混凝土牆面,恰好符合了日本 「侘寂」美學。混凝土因其粗糙、獨特質感、謙遜和對老化美的接受而被選擇。所有的室內裝飾到建築本身,反映了從不完美中尋求美的精神,所謂餘韻無窮。

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The wall cladding and cabinetry throughout the entire house is fashioned out of engineered timber.

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In the living room, the rich blue Redondo sofa and the ombre rug adds a pop of color.



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The undulating lines of the pool and overhead awning add a sense of refined fun.

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