經常和明星的合作的她,受格萊美獲獎雙人組The Chainsmokers成員之一 Alex Pall的委託,在2018年完成了一棟極具復古色彩,又符合現代生活需求的好萊塢居所設計。
Alex Pall這棟位於好萊塢山丘之上的房子,建立於20世紀30年代。在門口玄關處,一株高大的樹木生長於室內,讓這棟住宅和大自然融通。為了更加烘托這株大樹帶來的盎然生機,Peti巧妙地選用了極富設計感的座椅、綠植和藍色牆面,讓房子的入口處顯得更加活力四射、富有趣味。
One of the most unique features of the bungalow is the tree growing in the entryway, bringing the beauty of nature into the home. (Photography by Brittany Ambridge)
One of the most unique features of the bungalow is the tree growing in the entryway, bringing the beauty of nature into the home. (Photography by Brittany Ambridge)
A classic mid-century-style lounge chair pops against the intense, rich blue wall. Lining the bookshelves are trophies and awards, with a guitar at the ready when inspiration strikes. The clean lines of the furnishings contrast with the more ornate pieces, such as the chinoiserie drum table and capiz shell floor lamp. (Photography by Brittany Ambridge)
Rich blue walls, deep green curtains, and warm marigold accents give the living room a cozy yet luxurious feel, while the bright colors of the painting add a playful touch. (Photography by Brittany Ambridge)
The dining room pays homage to the 1980s and rock ‘n’ roll, with the graffiti-like Channels wallpaper by Wearstler, neon rainbow lightbox, and plush vermilion chairs. (Photography by Brittany Ambridge)
Visitors will feel right as home in the guestroom, with its bright yellow wallpaper and curtains. (Photography by Brittany Ambridge)
The neutral color scheme of the master bedroom feels intimate and elegant, with the painted velvet drapes adding a touch of drama. (Photography by Brittany Ambridge)
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