Category: Events

Timeless Elegance: Contemporary pageant rediscovers ancient beauty

“Gentle” and “graceful.” Those are the words used to describe an ideal woman in “Fishhawk,” the first poem in the Classic of Poetry, China’s oldest poetry anthology. For nearly the entirety of China’s 5,000 years of history, gentle and graceful have been the definitive qualities of a beautiful woman.


by Ellen Wang Images courtesy of Chopard 蕭邦Chopard—著名的瑞士家族鐘錶與珠寶公司最近從Madison大道搬入曼哈頓5大道地標建築The Crown...

Exclusive Tasting Party to Celebrate Moon Festival

On September 5, Elite Lifestyle Magazine worked in collaboration with Camus Cognac and William Barthman Jeweler to host a Moon Festival celebration at the William Barthman flagship store on Wall Street.
