By Pia Norris

Curcumin, the active compound in turmeric, has been getting a lot of attention lately for its potential health benefits as an anti-inflammatory, antioxidant, and anticancer agent. As inflammation is now known to be the root cause of many diseases, curcumin has emerged as a potential cornerstone in addressing this issue.

Operating synergistically with the body’s natural inflammation response, curcumin regulates the activity of inflammatory molecules such as enzymes and cytokines to prevent chronic or excessive inflammation. This is especially good for joint health, as in conditions where inflammation contributes to discomfort and stiffness, curcumin’s ability to promote a healthy inflammatory response offers significant relief, enhancing overall joint health, comfort, and flexibility.

Additionally, curcumin is a potent antioxidant that neutralizes free radicals and safeguards cells, proteins, and DNA from oxidative stress-induced damage. But there is a catch: its effectiveness is hindered by poor bioavailability, and standard curcumin supplements often struggle to deliver adequate compound levels to the bloodstream.

Understanding Bioavailability and the MicroActive Difference

In the fast-paced world of modern medicine, where innovation is relentless and effective treatments are always being sought after, a breakthrough has emerged – one that combines ancient wisdom with modern science. This is the story of MicroActive Curcumin, the game changer in the curcumin supplement space. Unlike traditional formulas, MicroActive Curcumin uses technology to boost curcumin’s bioavailability so that more is absorbed and used by the body. Through a proprietary process that encapsulates curcumin in a matrix of natural compounds, MicroActive Curcumin allows for sustained release and prolonged circulation in the bloodstream, maximizing the benefits.

As awareness of the importance of bioavailability grows, MicroActive Curcumin offers a powerful solution for those looking to get the most out of the therapeutic potential of curcumin. With its proven effectiveness, MicroActive Curcumin is a big step forward in the quest for optimal health and wellness, and the future of natural pain relief.

Optimizing Wellness with Enhanced Curcumin Absorption

Among natural supplements, one company that stands out for its commitment to excellence is Optimal Laboratories, founded by Dr. Vijay Vad, a world-renowned sports medicine specialist and best-selling author. Known for its premium-quality products, Optimal Laboratories has become a leading authority in the industry, drawing from collaboration among physicians, pharmacists, and physical therapists. Their careful selection of ingredients is guided by medical expertise to ensure the formulations meet strict standards.

One of the company’s top products is Vonacor MicroActive Plus Curcumin, a MicroActive Curcumin supplement that represents a major scientific achievement in the natural health industry. By leveraging curcumin’s anti-inflammatory and antioxidant properties, Vonacor offers unparalleled support for joint health, cognitive function, and overall well-being. What sets Vonacor apart is its MicroActive technology, which boosts bioavailability and maximizes absorption for optimal results.

On a Mission to Optimize Human Well-being

We spoke with Dr. Vijay Vad, the founder of Optimal Laboratories, and CEO Steven Gelwan about Vonacor MicroActive Plus Curcumin and the company’s mission to optimize human well-being through nature’s power.

Dr. Vijay Vad, Founder of Optimal Laboratories. Photo by William Cahill

ELITE: Dr. Vad, what motivated you to focus on formulating natural supplements, specifically those containing curcumin, leading to the development of products like Vonacor MicroActive Plus?

Dr. Vad: My life journey has influenced me in developing technology. When I was sixteen years old, my grandmother died from reckless anti-inflammatory prescription medication that caused a bleeding ulcer and death – that made a huge impact down the road of First Do No Harm. As I kept advancing in my medical training, I realized how many NSAID (non-steroidal anti-inflammatory drugs) prescriptions are written and renewed, causing high blood pressure, heart disease, peptic ulcers, and serious kidney damage in diabetics. 

ELITE: What led to your founding of Optimal Laboratories?

Dr. Vad: In my journey of finding solutions, I was fortunate to meet a brilliant scientist, Dr. Madhavi, in Boston, and I developed microactive plus curcumin with her help. I was even more fortunate to have met Steven Gelwan, who is a scientifically-minded pharmacist. Together, we created Optimal Laboratories with the goal of developing solid science and technologies that will help without causing harm. Additionally, our collaboration with my friend and colleague Dr. Topar in Berlin was pivotal. Our study comparing Vonacor versus naproxen produced remarkable results.

ELITE: Traditional curcumin supplements have struggled with poor bioavailability. Could you elaborate on the significance of Vonacor’s improved bioavailability and its potential benefits for arthritis patients, for example?

Dr. Vad: Vonacor has proven bioabsorption and, more importantly, bioavailability backed by solid clinical data for arthritis. An absorption study demonstrated that Optimal Laboratories’ patented MicroActive technology boosts curcumin absorption by 9.7 times without requiring added Black Pepper extract. Additionally, Vonacor includes turmeric oil, which further enhances curcumin absorption. With enhanced bioavailability, a greater amount of curcumin effectively reaches its intended target tissues in the body. Because curcumin goes through the blood-brain barrier, it also has other potential benefits, such as reducing  the risk of dementia, heart disease, and colon cancer.

ELITE: Do you have other supplements that complement Vonacor in treating, for example, arthritis and back pain?

Dr. Vad: With the help of Steven, we also created first-generation Fortinex to act synergistically with Vonacor for back pain and arthritis. It contains vitamin D3, which works with vitamin K2 to enhance bone metabolism and reduce calcification in vessels. Vitamin D3 has also been shown to have a positive impact on depression and reducing the risk of colon cancer. We hope to also add a Japanese technology to the current Fortinex, which has been proven to have significant positive effects on bone density. We will start clinical trials in the fall.

ELITE: Can you share any upcoming product launches that you are excited about?

Dr. Vad: With Steven’s help, we have also developed nano curcumin combined with nano quercetin, which has been shown to reduce high-sensitive CRP (inflammation of heart vessels) in a recently completed clinical trial. It will be released in January under the LoCRP brand.

ELITE: What motivated you to develop the Back Rx exercise regimen and app, and what outcomes have you observed regarding reducing back pain and opiate usage?

Dr. Vad: In our first year of marriage, my wife was dealing with back pain as we were traveling around the world for a men’s tennis tour as their physician. It motivated me to create the Back Rx exercise regimen and later as an app in collaboration with PhD computer scientist Dr. Kasturi. With the help of  Cornell tech, this app showed a decrease in back pain, use of opiates, and recurrence of back pain while significantly enhancing compliance. The Back Rx app is available on Apple devices.

ELITE: How has your experience caring for professional athletes influenced the development of Vonacor, and how does it enhance their performance and recovery?

Dr. Vad: Taking care of professional athletes has enabled me to develop and deploy technologies to keep them operating at optimal performance.  Vonacor is like an ice bath—take it after five sets of tennis—as is currently the case with few professional tennis players—and it markedly reduces muscle soreness the next day.

ELITE: Lastly, can you share any inspiring anti-aging insights and advice that embody Optimal Laboratories’ mission of fostering enduring vitality and well-being throughout life?

Dr. Vad: I want Optimal Laboratories to play a big role in the field of reverse aging. Taking a combination of Vonacor, Fortinex, and Optinexx, along with daily aerobic exercise, a balanced diet, and sufficient sleep, is currently the subject of study for its potential to impact VO2 max (maximal oxygen consumption). Early data is encouraging, showing an increase in VO2 max, which is indicative of a decrease in biological age. Optimal Laboratories is committed to optimal healthspan, ensuring enduring vitality and well-being for individuals throughout their lives.

From Pharmacy to Holistic Health

We also had the chance to speak with Mr. Steven Gelwan, CEO of Optimal Laboratories, about his transition from traditional pharmacy to joining Optimal Laboratories, influenced by his collaboration with Dr. Vad and their shared commitment to holistic health.

Steven Gelwan, CEO of Optimal Laboratories. Photo By Robert Z Feiner, RZF Images

ELITE: Mr. Gelwan, what motivated your transition from traditional pharmacy practice to joining Optimal Laboratories, considering your successful career as a pharmacist owning and operating multiple pharmacies in New York City?

Steven Gelwan: I initially trained as a traditional pharmacist, focusing on understanding disease states and how traditional medications could improve patients’ quality of life. However, in 2015, my perspective shifted when I met Dr. Vad. He challenged the traditional approach by advocating for supplements, citing their potential to offer benefits without the usual side effects associated with traditional medications. Given his background in conventional medicine, his viewpoint was surprising. Despite my initial doubts, I decided to give it a try and adopted a wait-and-see approach. After witnessing remarkable results over the course of a year, my skepticism waned, and I became a believer in the efficacy and safety of the supplements we provided.

ELITE: How did you meet Dr. Vad, and can you discuss the values or principles that drew you to Optimal Laboratories and how they align with your professional philosophy?

Steven Gelwan: I was introduced to Dr. Vad by my partner, Dr. Appel, an orthopedic surgeon. Dr. Appel, a traditional physician, was highly impressed with Dr. Vad’s holistic approach and encouraged me to carry Optimal Laboratories’ product, Vonacor, in the pharmacy. I trusted traditional pharmaceutical companies due to their rigorous research and top experts, but I always struggled to trust the legitimacy of supplements because I wasn’t confident in the producers. Many of these companies lacked professional connections with healthcare providers, leading me to question the quality and effectiveness of their products.

I worked as a traditional pharmacist with Dr. Vad for one year before joining the company. Although I was initially skeptical, my doubts vanished after witnessing the patients’ responses over that year. Dr. Vad’s approach seamlessly integrated the best of both worlds. He had exceptional training as a traditional physician while also incorporating holistic treatment options into his practice with remarkable results. First, Do no harm was always present in his treatment approach. And, Dr. Vad’s dedication to product quality and his selection of effective technology were impressive. He followed in the footsteps of big pharma by conducting a rigorous study on the product under strict controls at renowned institutions with leading experts, all of which convinced me that Optimal Laboratories was a company I could collaborate with to offer high-quality products to consumers.

ELITE: How does your pharmacy background influence product development, quality assurance, and customer care at Optimal Laboratories?

Steven Gelwan: In my role at Optimal Laboratories, my pharmacy background brings a strong emphasis on patient care, a foundational skill often overlooked in today’s healthcare landscape. My expertise in quality control measures from operating a pharmacy ensures that our products meet rigorous standards for purity, potency, and safety through third-party testing. The advantage of being a traditional healthcare provider lies in our comprehensive education on how the body works and interacts with traditional medications. Dr. Vad and I use this knowledge to bridge the gap between traditional medicine and naturopathy when formulating new products.

ELITE: How do you foresee the future of natural supplements evolving, especially in light of growing consumer interest in holistic health and wellness practices?

Steven Gelwan: From my perspective, the most effective medicine involves a holistic approach. As a healthcare provider, I am uncertain how we can discuss treatment options for patients with chronic conditions without initially addressing diet, exercise, and supplements before resorting to traditional treatments. Collaborating with Dr. Vad has reinforced the benefits of this approach, though it’s often not covered by insurance due to profit motives. There’s a gradual industry shift towards functional medicine as patients tire of medication-heavy treatments and surgeries. However, these alternative approaches often require out-of-pocket payment.

ELITE: The philosophy of “Let food be thy medicine” seems central to your approach to healthcare. How does this philosophy manifest in developing and promoting Vonacor and other Optimal Laboratories products?

Steven Gelwan: I am a vegan and firmly believe that most chronic conditions can be best treated with a whole-food, plant-based diet, avoiding processed foods. At 61 years old, I am not on any medications and exercise daily, including walking up 31 flights of stairs five times a week. All members of my family had significant heart disease at my age, which I attributed to the SAD (Standard American Diet). Completing my certificate in Plant-Based Nutrition at eCornell was a significant milestone for me, strengthening my commitment to this philosophy. At Optimal Laboratories, I ensure that all our products are vegan, non-GMO, and gluten-free. I will not produce a product that does not meet these three criteria. To go above and beyond, I spare no expense to ensure our products meet these standards through third-party testing.

ELITE: What lessons from traditional pharmacy practice have you found particularly valuable at Optimal Laboratories?

Steven Gelwan: In pharmacy, I learned that there is no single right treatment for all patients. My area of expertise was as a compounding pharmacist. A compounding pharmacist is a licensed professional specializing in creating customized medications for patients. This process, known as compounding, involves mixing, altering, or combining ingredients to tailor medications to meet the specific needs of an individual patient. Compounding pharmacists often prepare medications that are not commercially available, such as unique dosage forms, strengths, or flavors, and work with patients and healthcare providers to find the best solutions for unique medical needs. When Dr. Vad approached me, I was already familiar with developing products to better suit patients; it was the crux of my practice. As a compounding pharmacist, you learn to think outside the box of traditional medicine to achieve the best results for your patients. This philosophy aligns perfectly with that of Optimal Laboratories.

ELITE: Given your focus on patient care and holistic health, how does Optimal Laboratories make a positive impact on individual’s lives through its products and initiatives?

Steven Gelwan: Traditional medications certainly play a vital role in patient treatment, but sometimes their side effects can be detrimental. As a pharmacist, I am hesitant to rely solely on traditional medications without exploring all available options. At Optimal Laboratories, my role is to collaborate with Dr. Vad in developing products that offer patients treatment options. Understanding that each patient’s needs are unique, our supplements provide solutions that can significantly improve medical conditions while minimizing potential side effects. Our approach to product development emphasizes creating products that align with the body’s natural pathways, ensuring effectiveness without overwhelming its natural responses.